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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

5 Reasons Why Mothers Deserve More Days Off

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Mothers are the backbone of our society. They work hard day in and day out to take care of their families and often put their own needs last —not to mention, you wouldn’t be here without her. Working moms have enough trouble balancing life between kids, work, and themselves, so why not give mothers more time off? 

In this article, we will discuss five reasons why mothers deserve more time to relax and recharge. 

  1. Mothers are the backbone of society 

It’s no secret that mothers are the backbone of society. They provide the loving home environment that is essential for healthy children, they cook and clean and raise families, and they often do it all while working a full-time job. 

However, despite their importance, mothers are not always given the credit or support they deserve. Mothers should be celebrated every day for their tireless efforts in making the world a better place. 

One way to show appreciation for mothers is to give them more days off. This would allow them to spend more time with their families and also enable them to take care of their own health and wellbeing. In addition, it would send a message that society values motherhood and recognizes the vital role that mothers play in our lives.

  1. The stresses of motherhood can take a toll on mothers’ mental and physical health

Anyone who has ever been a parent knows that it is one of the most demanding jobs out there. Not only are you responsible for the physical care of your child, but you also have to deal with the constant worry about their safety and well-being. 

This can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Mothers often suffer from anxiety, depression, and sleep deprivation. They may also experience aches and pains from carrying their child around all day. In addition, the constant demand for their time and attention can lead to feelings of isolation and overwhelm. 

Thankfully, there are ways to manage the stresses of motherhood and maintain your mental and physical health, and more days off is definitely one of them. 

  1. Mothers need to spend more time with their children

A child’s healthy development (mental and physical) doesn’t come down to what schools they go to, what books they learn to read, or how much they learn to accomplish on their own. It comes down to whether or not their parents were present with them —physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

In a world where mental health issues are on the rise, it’s more important than ever for parents to be present in their children’s lives. Unfortunately, many mothers are so busy working that they don’t have the time they need to spend with their kids. 

If we want our children to grow up to be happy and well-adjusted adults, we need to give mothers all the time they need to do so. It’s the only way for the world to become a better place.

  1. Mothers need time to reflect and rejuvenate

In addition to spending more time with their children, mothers also need time for themselves. Whether they kick back and smoke some marijuana or go for a long walk to clear their head, mothers need time to reflect on their lives and figure out what they want and where they’re going —just like everyone else. To learn more about the interactions between cannabis and birth control, visit Veriheal. 

Unfortunately, many mothers feel guilty taking time for themselves, but it’s essential for their mental and physical health. When mothers have more time off, they can focus on taking care of themselves, which will ultimately make them better mothers. 

  1. Mothers need quality time with their families

One of the best things about having more days off is that it allows mothers to spend quality time with their families. Instead of being rushed and stressed out all the time, mothers can actually relax and enjoy their time with their loved ones. 

They can have conversations, play games, go on outings, and just generally connect with their family in a way that’s not possible when they’re always working. 


Motherhood is one of the most important jobs in the world, and mothers deserve all the support they can get. One way to show our appreciation for mothers is to give them more days off. This would allow them to spend more time with their families, take care of their own health and wellbeing, and send a message that society values motherhood and recognizes the vital role that mothers play in our lives. Let’s make it happen!

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