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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Does Your Period Detox Your Body?

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Menstruation is a bodily function that can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Due to the societal taboo surrounding the topic, many individuals may avoid discussing or learning about this natural process. This hesitancy to period talks can prevent individuals from accessing important information about menstruation, its symptoms, and ways to manage them. Consequently, there is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding the topic.

One common misconception is that a period is a way for the body to detoxify or cleanse itself. While essential biological functions occur during menstruation, this idea of period detoxification is not accurate.

This post will help you break the myths around period detox and clearly understand the menstrual cycle, challenges, and medical solutions for exceptional circumstances.

What Is Period Detox?

The term “period detox” is a popular myth that suggests the menstrual cycle acts as a natural detoxifying process. Some even believe that lack of period causes a toxic build-up in the body. This notion is not based on scientific evidence and can cause unnecessary worry and anxiety.

It’s wrong to suggest that period blood is dirty or toxic, as it spreads misinformation and can shame and hurt women.

Menstrual experiences are different for everyone. Some go through more severe period suffering than others, and even the thought of it makes them uncomfortable around period talk.

Due to the painful symptoms that accompany with menstrual cycle every month, people have begun to consider periods as a sign of toxicity and look for ways to suppress it. On the other hand, many believe that periods are necessary as they remove toxins from the body, which is scientifically incorrect.

What Does Your Body Go Through During Periods?

Suffering period pain every month may make you wonder why you have periods. Or what happens during periods.

A period only removes the uterine lining, known as the endometrium, from the body. During each menstrual cycle, the body builds up this lining in preparation for potential embryo implantation. If no embryo implants, the lining is shed and released as a period, and the cycle begins again. Moreover, it is like the tissue that your body does not need and thus expels in the form of the menstrual cycle.

The hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle may cause temporary discomfort or period pain, for that you can relief the pain with the ovatune period cramps machine, it will make you feel better in instants, but no evidence suggests that menstruation has any additional detoxifying or cleansing properties.

Does Period Blood Remove Toxins?

Period blood is neither an unwanted bodily fluid nor the body’s method of removing toxins. It is more of an evolved form of vaginal fluid because it contains mucus lining, uterine tissue, bit traces of blood, and bacteria.

Don’t panic that your period blood contains bacteria. Our body has various fungi and bacterial cells; some of them are helpful in the biological processes happening twenty-four hours in our bodies.

Let’s come back to the point; menstrual blood is unlike blood flowing through our veins. Its blood concentration is lower than our normal blood. In fact, it contains fewer blood cells.

If you ask any Ob-Gyn, they will tell you that the belief that menstruation helps the body cleanse itself is a common misconception. Any bacteria present in the reproductive tract during menstruation are simply flushed out along with the blood and tissue. However, the vagina has its own self-cleaning mechanism that helps maintain a healthy balance of bacteria. It is not necessary to rely on menstrual blood for bacterial cleansing.

Is It Necessary to Have Periods Every Month to Get Rid Of Toxins?

“Menstruation is a normal bodily function that indicates good health and is an essential part of being healthy.”- University of Utah.

Although having a period is normal and a sign of good health, there are few circumstances when people want to suppress their monthly cycles. However, they get concerned whether it will result in toxins accumulation.

A group of gynecologists has published a guidance document stating that suppressing periods is safe. It implies that not having a period does not mean you are impure or toxins will accumulate if you choose not to have periods.

According to the study, once a young woman has had at least one menstrual cycle, she can select this as a safe choice. The guidance identifies a wide range of circumstances in which menstruation suppression may even be helpful, such as when a person has severe bleeding, a physical or cognitive disability, is deployed for military duty, or has gender dysphoria.

However, the side effect of period suppression is breakthrough bleeding, but not the accumulation of toxins in the body.

People suffering from menstrual migraines or heavy periods must take medication to suppress their monthly cycle. For that, doctors prescribe various medications, such as progestin IUDs and birth control pills, among others, that safely stop the build-up of the uterine lining. That does not mean that they are unclean in any way.

Final Verdict

The belief that having periods helps your body detox is unfounded and has no scientific evidence. While it’s true that periods help to eliminate substances that are no longer needed by the body, it’s incorrect to say that periods have a cleansing effect on the female reproductive system.

The notion that a period detoxifies or cleanses the vagina suggests that without this process, the vagina is unclean or dirty, which is not true. Similarly, someone who has a vagina but doesn’t menstruate is not inherently dirty.

There may be circumstances when severe period pains or heavy bleeding may compel you to consider period suppression. You can utilize a period pain relieving device to get rid of the pain. You can rest assured that it will not contaminate your body. However, speak to your Ob-Gyn and discuss your situation to decide the best course of action. Also, be aware that suppression has side effects, such as breakthrough bleeding.

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