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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Practicing and Projecting Environmental Accountability in Business

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Commercial activity drives much of the waste production, pollution that currently pose the greatest risk that the planet has ever faced. Regardless of how much an individual business entity has contributed to the problem in the past, finding a path forward and  dealing with the crisis head on is now a shared responsibility that every business owner must accept. Consider what your company can do to avoid being part of the problem and take pride in being part of the solution.

Take Meaningful Action

Businesses in every sector must be conscientious and deliberate about how they brand themselves. Building trust and establishing credibility is fundamental to their ability to win over customers

Many corporations that claim that the environment is a priority fail to put that tenet into practice or put forth minimal efforts. It is not surprising that companies that take negligible action attempt to use those efforts as fodder for marketing campaigns in which they depict themselves as eco-friendly. 

Today’s consumers are a little more savvy about how businesses brand themselves. They have stepped up their expectations for what companies should be doing to mitigate the impact of their operations on the environment. 

This is not to say that small steps do not count for anything. Any change for the better is worth pursuing, but the improvement that you aspire for should be proportional to the scope of your total environmental impact.

Businesses that are struggling to find economically practical ways to make substantive progress may have a great resource in utilizing carbon offsets. This strategy enables companies to lower the volume of emissions that their operations create by giving them a way to fund initiatives to reduce emissions that are produced outside of the scope of their internal day-to-day activities. In effect, offsets enable companies to counteract the damage from emissions that they are not yet able to achieve with modifications to their current processes. 

Educate Your Customers About the Climate Crisis

Unfortunately, there are some people who continue negating the gravity of the climate crisis. This is especially true in the business world among corporate actors who have fought ardently to keep the status quo in order to counter potential threats to their profits. They fear that modifying their operations is going to cut into their bottom line or expose them to public criticism as well as financial penalties or injunctions. They have found powerful allies within a political party in which climate crisis deniers advance and legitimize false narratives about the imminent dangers of carbon emissions. 

Making informative resources available to your customer base will help to disabuse them of agenda-driven, false narratives. Educating customers is going to enhance their understanding of the problem and prompt appreciation for what you are doing to make a difference. Merely acknowledging the dire ramifications of the climate crisis can help to set your business apart from less scrupulous competitors. On your company’s website and marketing materials, relay empirical data from reputable, unbiased sources about where commercial actors currently stand with emissions and what it means for the environment.

Explain How Your Efforts Are Important

It is advisable to discuss specific countermeasures to combat pollution in detail. For instance, if you are implementing a program to repurpose recycled plastics, provide summations describing alarming growth in plastic waste production. Giving context to the issue that you aim to address serves to bring the significance of your efforts into greater light. Furthermore, it underscores the significance of what less eco-conscious competitors are not doing. 

It may be advantageous to set goals for your company. While you might not be able to achieve all of your goals right away, letting people know that you are working towards new benchmarks and how you will reach them shows that you are treating sustainability as a high priority. 

Ultimately, it is imperative that your growing company’s guiding mission and values reflect a steadfast commitment to protecting the environment. Enhancing sustainability will reflect well on your leadership, and it could have a determinative influence over your public persona.

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